The Absolute Worst Place to Place Confidence

The Absolute Worst Place to Place Confidence

Self-confidence is one of today’s most popular subjects. Conferences, seminars, workshops, and best selling authors tell us that the key to success is to be self-confident.  Consequently, we’re encouraged to live boldly, think big, and craft BHAG’s (Big Hairy Audacious Goals).


Confident people inspire confidence in others: their audience, their peers, their bosses, their customers, and their friends.  And gaining the confidence of others is one of the key ways in which a self-confident person finds success.  Having self-confidence is even finding its way into church life.  How so?   (more…)

The Absolute Worst Place to Place Confidence

Setbacks + Emotions + Reflection = Road to Recovery Part 2

We all experience some despair when setbacks occur. That’s quite normal.

It is one thing to rejoice, give thanks and praise when things go right. But it’s not as easy when things go wrong.  A couple of weeks ago, I shared how emotions can paralyze you and keep you from moving towards recovery.


Photo credit: Psychiatric News Alert

It’s important to take time to reflect, even grieve so that you can move on. The important thing is that taking the time to deal with your emotions is the first step.  The problem is that too often people get stuck in that emotional state. Instead of merely reflecting and then moving on they get stuck there. You can read Part 1 HERE.

What most people don’t realize is that rejoicing is a very deliberate step on the road to recovery from setbacks. “What’s there to rejoice about?” you grumble. If you think about it there’s lots to be grateful for.   (more…)

The Absolute Worst Place to Place Confidence

Setbacks + Emotions + Reflection = Road to Recovery Part 1

It is not easy to accept that things haven’t worked out as planned.

So how do you deal with it? To start, it’s okay to take some time to deal with the disappointment. Whether we like to admit it or not we are all emotional beings. We all experience some despair when setbacks occur. That’s quite normal.

Take some time to reflect, even grieve so that you can move on. The important thing is that taking the time to deal with your emotions is the first step. And step implies that you are moving forward, not staying where you are.

 "Road to recovery "

The problem is that too often people get stuck in that emotional state. Instead of merely reflecting and then moving on they get stuck there. They stew over the fact that things haven’t worked out. They focus on what hasn’t happened, what has been lost instead of trying to move forward. When you get stuck here that’s when bitterness sets in. Bitterness is easy. It doesn’t require thought, movement or progress. It just requires you to sit and stew.  (more…)

The Absolute Worst Place to Place Confidence

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves…Really?

Quick! What do the following statements have in common?

  1. “Spare the rod, spoil the child”
  2. “This too shall pass”
  3. “God helps those who help themselves”

Give up?  They cannot be found anywhere in the Bible.  If you don’t believe me, go ahead and find the verse that corresponds to the aforementioned statements. Trust me, you can’t.


God Helps Those Who Help Themselves…Really?

Although it sounds great, it’s not in the Bible.  No matter how good it sounds, if we demonstrate some effort to improve, God will give us a little push in that direction.  So we decide to make it by sheer willpower and discipline.  The problem is, we run out of steam.

This year, millions will make and break resolutions because they’re trying to solve a spiritual problem through earthly means.  The challenge we all face is that we want to be transformed.  However, we tend to look within ourselves for the solution.  The solution resides outside of ourselves.  The solution is God.

Transformation is a problem that we cannot solve.  That’s why God sent Jesus!  Apart from him, we can do absolutely nothing!  In Galatians 3:3, Paul reminds the Galatians that God has given them His Spirit and with this – combined with their faith, they can make it.

Who Does God Help?

God doesn’t help those with themselves.  God helps those who abide with Him and those who walk with Him in faith (John 15:1-5).  Our efforts were never the impetus for God’s transforming grace.  Nor will they be the impetus for our changed hearts.

The Bible says that we are justified by faith.  We don’t need willpower or self-effort as much as we need faith that God will accomplish in us and for us what we can’t do ourselves.  He is the source of what we long for and need.  Willpower and self-effort can only take us so far in our desire to change.

What’s The Point?

 Change is Possible

Focus is Required

Dependence on God is Absolutely Foundational

The Absolute Worst Place to Place Confidence

Sacrifices Leaders Make – Part 3

Sacrifice is being willing to give up something good for something better.  Life is full of boundless possibilities, but in order to transform a possibility into a reality we have to choose — sacrificing the many in order to attain the one.  My previous posts suggests, as a leader you sacrifice your time and energy.  In case you missed it, you can read it HERE and HERE.

ego case 1Nothing is gained without something relinquished.

Sacrifice has meaning only in the context of a goal, dream or mission. In pursuing these, we often face obstacles which require us to forfeit physical or emotional comfort in the service of something that matters more. Often, the greater the dream or vision, the greater the shared sacrifice required to attain it. Sacrifice is easier when we stay focused on what we are choosing rather than what we are giving up.  In addition to sacrificing time and energy, As a Leader you sacrifice your Ego (more…)

The Absolute Worst Place to Place Confidence

Sacrifices Leaders Make – Part 2

Successful leaders don’t rest on their laurels, because leadership is not a title on a business card.  Leadership is a living process – and that means growth, according to Ken Blanchard & Mark Miller in Great Leaders Grow.  Ask any leader “what it takes to become a great leader” and I guarantee you sacrifice is right at the top of every successful leader’s list.

My previous post suggests, as a leader you sacrifice your time.  In case you missed it, you can read it HERE.  I once heard someone say, “in order to go up, you must be willing to give up something.”  A true leader will sacrifice their personal agenda for the sake of an organization’s goals. In addition to sacrificing time, as a leader you sacrifice your energy.

draining energy

The task of being an effective leader requires diligent effort and sacrifice. The principles of servant hearted leadership encourage an aspiring leader to invest themselves in others. This means that you need to pour energy into your team and organization. As a result there will be many emotional, mental and physical demands on you.

When preparing for leadership, know that you will have to sacrifice your energy. To counter this, find ways in which you can keep your energy levels up so that you can remain effective as a leader. Physical fitness has great benefits and is one way in which you can keep your energy resources renewed. The important thing is that you be prepared. Don’t underestimate the sacrifice of energy that leadership requires.

What do you do to keep your energy levels up?