I’m in the process of going back through the Bible viewing it through the eyes of a leader. Here are more thoughts from Matthew:

  • If we’re not careful, we can end up worshiping traditions instead of following God’s direction. (15:3)
  • You can tell a lot about the condition of someone’s heart by how they talk. (15:18)
  • The local Church is the one entity guaranteed to withstand the test of time. (16:18)
  • I must acknowledge my position in Christ before I can experience my potential in Christ. (16:24-28)
  • With faith in Christ, nothing is impossible. That’s where confidence develops. (17:20)
  • Greatness begins with humility. (18:2-4)
  • Lost people matter to God. (18:14)
  • God designed ministry to happen in relationship with other people. (18:19-20)
  • Crowds will gather when life change begins to take place. (19:2)
  • Success begins with obedience. (19:16-17)
  • The worship of money and possessions can get in the way of fulfilling God’s purposes. (19:21-24)
  • Jesus promoted servant leadership (20:26-28)
  • There are times when it’s appropriate to assert authority and reveal anger. (21:12)
  • I need to pray for everything I’m facing as a leader. (21:22)